

The signac-dashboard app requires at least Python version 3.4! To install this package, first clone the repository and install its submodules.

$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/glotzer/signac-dashboard.git
$ cd signac-dashboard
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

and then install using pip:

$ pip install .


You can start a dashboard to visualize signac project data in the browser, by importing the Dashboard class and calling its main() method.

from signac_dashboard import Dashboard

Start a Dashboard

The code below will open a dashboard for an newly-initialized (empty) project, with no jobs and one module loaded. Write the file dashboard.py with these contents:

from signac_dashboard import Dashboard
from signac_dashboard.modules import ImageViewer

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dashboard = Dashboard(modules=[ImageViewer()])

Then launch the dashboard with python dashboard.py run.

Specifying a custom job title

By creating a class that inherits from Dashboard (which we’ll call MyDashboard), we can begin to customize some of the functions that make up the dashboard, like job_title(), which gives a human-readable title to each job.

class MyDashboard(Dashboard):

    def job_title(self, job):
        return 'Concentration(A) = {}'.format(job.sp['conc_A'])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running dashboards on a remote host

To use dashboards hosted by a remote computer, open an SSH tunnel to the remote computer and forward the port where the dashboard is hosted. For example, connect to the remote computer with

ssh username@remote.server.org -L 8888:localhost:8888

to forward port 8888 on the host to port 8888 on your local computer.

Dissecting the Dashboard Structure

  • Jobs are how signac manages data. Each job has a statepoint (which contains job metadata) and a document (for persistent storage of key-value pairs). Jobs can be displayed in list view or grid view. The list view provides quick descriptions and status information from many jobs, while the grid view is intended to show text and media content from one or more jobs.
  • Templates provide the HTML structure of the dashboard’s pages, written in Jinja template syntax for rendering content on the server
  • Modules are server-side Python code that interface with your signac data to display content. Generally, a module will render content from a specific job into a card template.
  • Cards are a type of template that is shown in grid view and contains content rendered by a module.

Included Modules

Defining a module requires a name for display, a context to determine when the module should be shown (currently only 'JobContext' is supported), and a template (written in HTML/Jinja-compatible syntax) where the content will be rendered. An optional enabled argument can be set to False to disable the module until it is selected by the user. A module must be a subclass of Module and define the function get_cards() which returns an array of dictionaries with properties 'name' and 'content', like so:

class MyModule(Module):

    def get_cards(self):
        return [{'name': 'My Module', 'content': render_template('path/to/template.html')}]

Statepoint Parameters

The StatepointList module shows the key-value pairs in the statepoint.

from signac_dashboard.modules.statepoint_list import StatepointList
sp_mod = StatepointList()

Job Document

The DocumentList module shows the key-value pairs in the job document, with long values optionally truncated (default is no truncation).

from signac_dashboard.modules.document_list import DocumentList
doc_mod = DocumentList(max_chars=140)  # Output will be truncated to one tweet length

File List

The FileList module shows a listing of the job’s workspace directory with links to each file. This can be very slow since it has to read the disk for every job displayed, use with caution in large signac projects.

from signac_dashboard.modules.file_list import FileList
file_mod = FileList(enabled=False)  # Recommended to disable this module by default

Image Viewer

The ImageViewer module displays images in any format that works with a standard HTML <img> tag. The module defaults to showing all images of PNG, JPG, or GIF types. A filename or glob can be defined to select specific filenames. Multiple Image Viewer modules can be defined with different filenames or globs to enable/disable cards individually.

from signac_dashboard.modules.image_viewer import ImageViewer
img_mod = ImageViewer()  # Shows all PNG/JPG/GIF images
img_mod = ImageViewer(name='Bond Order Diagram', img_globs=['bod.png'])

Video Viewer

The VideoViewer module displays videos using a standard HTML <video> tag. The module defaults to showing all videos of MP4 or M4V types. A filename or glob can be defined to select specific filenames, which may be of any format supported by your browser with the <video> tag. A “poster” can be defined, which shows a thumbnail with that filename before the video is started. Videos do not preload by default, since file sizes can be large and there may be many videos on a page. To enable preloading, use the argument preload='auto' or preload='metadata'. Multiple Video Viewer modules can be defined with different filenames or globs to enable/disable cards individually.

from signac_dashboard.modules.video_viewer import VideoViewer
video_mod = VideoViewer()  # Shows all MP4/M4V videos
video_mod = VideoViewer(name='Cool Science Video',


The Notes module uses the 'notes' key in the job document to store plain text, perhaps human-readable descriptions of a job that may be useful in later analysis.

from signac_dashboard.modules.notes import Notes
notes_mod = Notes()

Searching jobs

The search bar accepts JSON-formatted queries in the same way as the signac find command-line tool. For example, using the query {"key": "value"} will return all jobs where the job statepoint key is set to value. To search jobs by their document key-value pairs, use doc: before the JSON-formatted query, like doc:{"key": "value"}.

Tips for Developers

During continuous integration, the code is checked with flake8. Run the following commands to set up a pre-commit hook that will ensure your code is compliant before pushing.

flake8 --install-hook git
git config --bool flake8.strict true