Source code for signac_dashboard.dashboard

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

from flask import Flask, session, request, url_for, render_template, flash, g
from werkzeug import url_encode
import jinja2
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle
from flask_turbolinks import turbolinks
import os
import sys
import logging
import warnings
import shlex
import argparse
from functools import lru_cache
from numbers import Real
import json
import natsort
import signac

from .version import __version__
from .pagination import Pagination
from .util import LazyView

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Dashboard: """A dashboard application to display a :py:class:`signac.Project`. The Dashboard class is designed to be used as a base class for a child class such as :code:`MyDashboard` which can be customized and launched via its command line interface (CLI). The CLI is invoked by calling :py:meth:`.main` on an instance of this class. **Configuration options:** The :code:`config` dictionary recognizes the following options: - **HOST**: Sets binding address (default: localhost). - **PORT**: Sets port to listen on (default: 8888). - **DEBUG**: Enables debug mode if :code:`True` (default: :code:`False`). - **PROFILE**: Enables the profiler :py:class:`werkzeug.middleware.profiler.ProfilerMiddleware` if :code:`True` (default: :code:`False`). - **PER_PAGE**: Maximum number of jobs to show per page (default: 25). :param config: Configuration dictionary (default: :code:`{}`). :type config: dict :param project: signac project (default: :code:`None`, autodetected). :type project: :py:class:`signac.Project` :param modules: List of :py:class:`~.Module` instances to display. :type modules: list """ def __init__(self, config={}, project=None, modules=[]): if project is None: self.project = signac.get_project() else: self.project = project self.config = config self.modules = modules self._prepare() def _create_app(self, config={}): """Creates a Flask application. :param config: Dictionary of configuration parameters. """ app = Flask('signac-dashboard') app.config.update({ 'SECRET_KEY': os.urandom(24), 'SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT': 300, # Cache control for static files }) # Load the provided config app.config.update(config) # Enable profiling if app.config.get('PROFILE'): logger.warning("Application profiling is enabled.") from werkzeug.contrib.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware app.wsgi_app = ProfilerMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, restrictions=[10]) # Set up default signac-dashboard static and template paths signac_dashboard_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) app.static_folder = signac_dashboard_path + '/static' app.template_folder = signac_dashboard_path + '/templates' # Set up custom template paths # The paths in DASHBOARD_PATHS give the preferred order of template # loading loader_list = [] for dashpath in list(app.config.get('DASHBOARD_PATHS', [])): logger.warning("Adding '{}' to dashboard paths.".format(dashpath)) loader_list.append( jinja2.FileSystemLoader(dashpath + '/templates')) # The default loader goes last and is overridden by any custom paths loader_list.append(app.jinja_loader) app.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(loader_list) turbolinks(app) return app def _create_assets(self): """Add assets for inclusion in the dashboard HTML.""" assets = Environment( # jQuery is served as a standalone file jquery = Bundle('js/jquery-*.min.js', output='gen/jquery.min.js') # JavaScript is combined into one file and minified js_all = Bundle('js/js_all/*.js', filters='jsmin', output='gen/app.min.js') # SCSS (Sassy CSS) is compiled to CSS scss_all = Bundle('scss/app.scss', filters='libsass', output='gen/app.css') assets.register('jquery', jquery) assets.register('js_all', js_all) assets.register('scss_all', scss_all) return assets
[docs] def register_module_asset(self, asset): """Register an asset required by a dashboard module. Some modules require special scripts or stylesheets, like the :py:class:`signac_dashboard.modules.Notes` module. It is recommended to use a namespace for each module that matches the example below: .. code-block:: python dashboard.register_module_asset({ 'file': 'templates/my-module/js/my-script.js', 'url': '/module/my-module/js/my-script.js' }) :param asset: A dictionary with keys :code:`'file'` and :code:`'url'`. :type asset: dict """ self._module_assets.append(asset)
def _prepare(self): """Prepare this dashboard instance to run.""" # Create an empty set of URL rules self._url_rules = [] # Try to update signac project cache. Requires signac 0.9.2 or later. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) try: self.project.update_cache() except Exception: pass # Set configuration defaults and save to the project document self.config.setdefault('PAGINATION', True) self.config.setdefault('PER_PAGE', 25) # Create and configure the Flask application = self._create_app(self.config) # Add assets and routes self.assets = self._create_assets() self._register_routes() # Add module assets and routes self._module_assets = [] for module in self.modules: try: module.register(self) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error while registering {} module: {}'.format(, e)) logger.error('Removing module {} from dashboard.'.format( self.modules.remove(module)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Runs the dashboard webserver. Use :py:meth:`~.main` instead of this method for the command-line interface. Arguments to this function are passed directly to :py:meth:``. """ host = self.config.get('HOST', 'localhost') port = self.config.get('PORT', 8888) max_retries = 5 for _ in range(max_retries): try:, port, *args, **kwargs) break except OSError as e: logger.warning(e) if port: port += 1 pass
@lru_cache() def _project_basic_index(self, include_job_document=False): index = [] for item in self.project.index( include_job_document=include_job_document ): index.append(item) return index @lru_cache() def _schema_variables(self): _index = self._project_basic_index() sp_index = self.project.build_job_statepoint_index( exclude_const=True, index=_index) schema_variables = [] for keys, _ in sp_index: schema_variables.append(keys) return schema_variables @lru_cache() def _project_min_len_unique_id(self): return self.project.min_len_unique_id()
[docs] def job_title(self, job): """Override this method for custom job titles. This method generates job titles. By default, the title is a pretty (but verbose) form of the job state point, based on the project schema. :param job: The job being titled. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Title to be displayed. :rtype: str """ def _format_num(num): if isinstance(num, bool): return str(num) elif isinstance(num, Real): return str(round(num, 2)) return str(num) try: s = [] for keys in sorted(self._schema_variables()): v = job.statepoint()[keys[0]] try: for key in keys[1:]: v = v[key] except KeyError: # Particular key is present in overall continue # schema, but not this state point. else: s.append('{}={}'.format('.'.join(keys), _format_num(v))) return ' '.join(s) except Exception as error: logger.warning( "Error while generating job title: '{}'. " "Returning job-id as fallback.".format(error)) return str(job)
[docs] def job_subtitle(self, job): """Override this method for custom job subtitles. This method generates job subtitles. By default, the subtitle is a minimal unique substring of the job id. :param job: The job being subtitled. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Subtitle to be displayed. :rtype: str """ return str(job)[:max(8, self._project_min_len_unique_id())]
[docs] def job_sorter(self, job): """Override this method for custom job sorting. This method returns a key that can be compared to sort jobs. By default, the sorting key is based on :py:func:`Dashboard.job_title`, with natural sorting of numbers. Good examples of such keys are strings or tuples of properties that should be used to sort. :param job: The job being sorted. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Key for sorting. :rtype: any comparable type """ key = natsort.natsort_keygen(key=self.job_title, alg=natsort.REAL) return key(job)
@lru_cache() def _get_all_jobs(self): return sorted(self.project.find_jobs(), key=self.job_sorter) @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def _job_search(self, query): querytype = 'statepoint' if query[:4] == 'doc:': query = query[4:] querytype = 'document' try: if query is None: f = None else: try: f = json.loads(query) except json.JSONDecodeError: query = shlex.split(query) f = signac.contrib.filterparse.parse_filter_arg(query) flash("Search string interpreted as '{}'.".format( json.dumps(f))) if querytype == 'document': jobs = self.project.find_jobs(doc_filter=f) else: jobs = self.project.find_jobs(filter=f) return sorted(jobs, key=lambda job: self.job_sorter(job)) except json.JSONDecodeError as error: flash('Failed to parse query argument. ' 'Ensure that \'{}\' is valid JSON!'.format(query), 'warning') raise error @lru_cache(maxsize=65536) def _job_details(self, job): return { 'job': job, 'title': self.job_title(job), 'subtitle': self.job_subtitle(job), } def _setup_pagination(self, jobs): total_count = len(jobs) if isinstance(jobs, list) else 0 page = request.args.get('page', 1) try: page = int(page) except (ValueError, TypeError): page = 1 flash('Pagination Error. Displaying page {}.'.format(page), 'danger') pagination = Pagination(page, self.config['PER_PAGE'], total_count) if < 1 or > pagination.pages: = max(1, min(, pagination.pages)) if pagination.pages > 0: flash('Pagination Error. Displaying page {}.'.format(, 'danger') return pagination def _render_job_view(self, *args, **kwargs): g.active_page = 'jobs' view_mode = request.args.get('view', kwargs.get( 'default_view', 'list')) if view_mode == 'grid': if 'enabled_modules' in session and \ len(session.get('enabled_modules', [])) == 0: flash('No modules are enabled.', 'info') return render_template('jobs_grid.html', *args, **kwargs) elif view_mode == 'list': return render_template('jobs_list.html', *args, **kwargs) else: return self._render_error( ValueError('Invalid view mode: {}'.format(view_mode))) def _render_error(self, error): if isinstance(error, Exception): error_string = "{}: {}".format(type(error).__name__, error) logger.error(error_string) flash(error_string, 'danger') else: logger.error(error) flash(error, 'danger') return render_template('error.html') def _get_job_details(self, jobs): return [self._job_details(job) for job in list(jobs)]
[docs] def add_url(self, import_name, url_rules=[], import_file='signac_dashboard', **options): """Add a route to the dashboard. This method allows custom view functions to be triggered for specified routes. These view functions are imported lazily, when their route is triggered. For example, write a file :code:``: .. code-block:: python def my_custom_view(dashboard): return 'This is a custom message.' Then, in :code:``: .. code-block:: python from signac_dashboard import Dashboard class MyDashboard(Dashboard): pass if __name__ == '__main__': dashboard = MyDashboard() dashboard.add_url('my_custom_view', url_rules=['/custom-url'], import_file='my_views') dashboard.main() Finally, launching the dashboard with :code:`python run` and navigating to :code:`/custom-url` will show the custom message. This can be used in conjunction with user-provided jinja templates and the method :py:func:`flask.render_template` for extending dashboard functionality. :param import_name: The view function name to be imported. :type import_name: str :param url_rules: A list of URL rules, see :py:meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`. :type url_rules: list :param import_file: The module from which to import (default: :code:`'signac_dashboard'`). :type import_file: str :param \\**options: Additional options to pass to :py:meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`. """ if import_file is not None: import_name = import_file + '.' + import_name for url_rule in url_rules: self._url_rules.append(dict( rule=url_rule, view_func=LazyView(dashboard=self, import_name=import_name), **options))
def _register_routes(self): """Registers routes with the Flask application. This method configures context processors, templates, and sets up routes for a basic Dashboard instance. Additionally, routes declared by modules are registered by this method. """ dashboard = self def prevent_caching(response): if 'Cache-Control' not in response.headers: response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store' return response def injections(): session.setdefault('enabled_modules', [i for i in range(len(self.modules)) if self.modules[i].enabled]) return { 'APP_NAME': 'signac-dashboard', 'APP_VERSION': __version__, 'PROJECT_NAME': self.project.config['project'], 'PROJECT_DIR': self.project.config['project_dir'], 'modules': self.modules, 'enabled_modules': session['enabled_modules'], 'module_assets': self._module_assets } # Add pagination support from def url_for_other_page(page): args = request.args.copy() args['page'] = page return url_for(request.endpoint, **args) def modify_query(**new_values): args = request.args.copy() for key, value in new_values.items(): args[key] = value return '{}?{}'.format(request.path, url_encode(args)) def page_not_found(error): return self._render_error(str(error)) self.add_url('views.home', ['/']) self.add_url('views.settings', ['/settings']) self.add_url('', ['/search']) self.add_url('views.jobs_list', ['/jobs/']) self.add_url('views.show_job', ['/jobs/<jobid>']) self.add_url('views.get_file', ['/jobs/<jobid>/file/<path:filename>']) self.add_url('views.change_modules', ['/modules'], methods=['POST']) for url_rule in self._url_rules:**url_rule)
[docs] def main(self): """Runs the command line interface. Call this function to use signac-dashboard from its command line interface. For example, save this script as :code:``: .. code-block:: python from signac_dashboard import Dashboard class MyDashboard(Dashboard): pass if __name__ == '__main__': MyDashboard().main() Then the dashboard can be launched with: .. code-block:: bash python run """ def _run(args): kwargs = vars(args) if kwargs.get('host', None) is not None: self.config['HOST'] = kwargs.pop('host') if kwargs.get('port', None) is not None: self.config['PORT'] = kwargs.pop('port') self.config['PROFILE'] = kwargs.pop('profile') self.config['DEBUG'] = kwargs.pop('debug') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="signac-dashboard is a web-based data visualization " "and analysis tool, part of the signac framework.") parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help="Show traceback on error for debugging.") parser.add_argument( '--version', action='store_true', help="Display the version number and exit.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run') parser_run.add_argument( '-p', '--profile', action='store_true', help='Enable flask performance profiling.') parser_run.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable flask debug mode.') parser_run.add_argument( '--host', type=str, help='Host (binding address). Default: localhost') parser_run.add_argument( '--port', type=int, help='Port to listen on. Default: 8888') parser_run.set_defaults(func=_run) # This is a hack, as argparse itself does not # allow to parse only --version without any # of the other required arguments. if '--version' in sys.argv: print('signac-dashboard', __version__) sys.exit(0) args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not hasattr(args, 'func'): parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) try: args.func(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.error("Interrupted.") if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1) except RuntimeWarning as warning: logger.warning("Warning: {}".format(warning)) if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1) except Exception as error: logger.error('Error: {}'.format(error)) if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)